terça-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2011

Trilha sonora para a queda de um ditador

Uma verdadeira trilha sonora para a queda do agora ex-ditador Mubarak está disponível para ver e ouvir no YouTube. Um deles é o "Contra o governo" do rapper egípcio DoNjEwan publicada em sua conta no YouTube ainda no dia 13 de janeiro um clipe defendendo a queda de Mubarak. Para os que quem curte rap vale a pena o play.

Segue a letra em inglês:

i am against the government, against the thugs and injustice.

i am against the ruler and the gavernance.

aganist the government, and the injustice rope is long.

against thgovernment, and i have a 1000 evidence.

they waste your blood.. they disband your killing.. they invaded your home.. they targeted your religion.. they restrained your voice.. they eat your rights.. they killed your brother.. they exhuasted the people.. if you are existed, u are living a bad life.. if you die, who cares..

if you talk, you will lose ur life..u will be treated cruelly.... its the bullying law... few of gangs... violent government.

they want to eat us..

the oppressor and the oppressed.. the ruler and the ruled..

for whome i will complain.. who i will blame.

should i blame people who are hit by a shoe without standing up for thier rights..

or should i blame the government who has a dead heart..

down with the government..

down with the law..

down with the rulers..

down with coward..

down with the traitor..

down with the good guy if his goodness will lead him to dastard..

this is the main point of the song (the song is calling the people to get up and stand up for thier rights..... enough silence, be strong, learn how to say NO....


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